June 2019


Template Format Toggle

We are letting users choose the template format (One Page or Card) on a survey level instead of having to choose one option on an account level. Our data showed us that longer surveys perform better with the One Page format while shorter surveys perform better with a Card format. We want to give customers the option to choose on a survey basis to give a better respondent experience which should lead to an increase in their response rates.

  • Added: Bullhorn users can now map Recruiter/Consultant’s email to the sender email field in Starred Connect. This feature allows users to get the Recruiter’s information in a step and then use the email of the recruiter as the sender in the Send Starred Survey step in a workflow.

  • Added: When feeding data back to any integration, users can access three additional fields: Date Survey Sent, Date Response Received, Survey Response URL. You can access these fields when mapping
    Starred survey response to Connected application’s fields in a workflow.

  • Added: Added Japanese Language translation to the platform