Managing custom fields

Custom fields are properties that are attached to your responses and that you can use as filters in your dashboards to analyze your data.

Custom fields are automatically populated as soon as invitations are triggered via the workflows in the integration with your ATS or when you get responses from invitations that you have sent manually via a CSV file.

However, there might be instances that you would like to manage your custom fields after you have received responses. For instance, you might need to:

  • change or merge custom fields and custom field values
  • delete custom fields and custom field values that you no longer need

To manage your custom fields, open your Survey Settings and navigate to the dedicated section called Custom Fields.

Starred also allows you to create new custom fields from scratch from this section.

Creating custom fields

To create a new custom field from scratch, click on the blue button Create new custom field

Then, give the field a name and choose the field type between standard, recommended and shielded:

Recommended fields include a list of fields that will be the same in all accounts and Starred uses to create dashboards, such as recruiter, hiring manager, source and so on.

Please note: there is a limitation of one custom field that can be linked to one recommended field. It is not possible to link two (or more) fields to one recommended field.

Shielded fields are properties that you can attach to responses but are sensitive, such as application ID, candidate name and such, so they will not show up as filters and won't be displayed in your exports.

For any field that does not fall in these two categories, you can choose Standard.

After you're done, click on Save changes.

Managing existing fields

For each of your newly created or existing custom fields, there are several actions you can take.

Click on the dropdown menu next to each custom field and from there you can:

  • edit
  • rename
  • merge
  • delete


When you click on Edit, you can either change the field type you have previously selected or add values to this field (for example, if you create the field Department, you can start adding all of the department names to be used as values).

To create a new value, click on the button:

A pop up will appear where you can create the value:


Click on Rename when you just need to change the spelling of a custom field.


You can use this option to merge two custom fields that are duplicate. This can happen when you have added custom fields to your workflows with slightly different spelling, with spaces and such.

❗Merging custom fields is irreversible and will also apply the change to all of your existing responses, so only do this if you're sure.


When you no longer need a custom field, you can delete it.

❗Deleting a custom field is irreversible and will also delete it from all of your existing responses, so only do this if you're sure

Creating and managing custom field values

After creating a custom field, you can create values for it.

Taking as an example the custom field Department, possible values could be Customer Success, Sales, Marketing and so on.

Creating a custom field value

To add field values to a new or an existing custom field, you can follow these steps:

  • find the custom field in the list
  • from the dropdown menu, select Edit
  • from the window that appears, click on Create new value

From there, you can start adding all the values you need, by giving each one a name and saving:

Managing a custom field value

Just like custom fields, values can also be managed. From your list, click on the dropdown menu after each value and choose between one of the options:

  • rename: to change the spelling of a value
  • merge: if you have two values that refer to the same thing (such as two departments spelled in slightly different ways) you can merge them from here
  • delete value: when you no longer need a value, you can delete it forever

❗Merging and deleting custom field values is irreversible and will also apply the change to your existing responses, so only do this if you're sure.

If you have doubts or need our help to manage your custom fields, feel free to reach out to us through the chat. We're happy to guide you!

🌟Please note : for a user to be able to manage custom fields, you need to enable the access right for them in the Colleagues section.