Step 4. Action - Send or Schedule invitations

In this step you can set up all settings for sending your Starred invitations for feedback

Your final workflow step consists of settings up your survey invitation settings.

  • If you're building your workflows from scratch, click on "Action" and Select Starred as your destination app.
  • If you're using one of our templates, you can open the last step called "Action: Starred as destination" in edit mode.

Send or schedule invitation

You can choose between two options:

  • Send invitation - to send the survey upon workflow execution or;
  • Schedule invitation - to schedule an invitation. We recommend choosing for a static delay period, here you can select a delay up to 180 days. Please note: When choosing the number of days delay in sending the survey, keep in mind the number of days delay used for sending your rejection emails from Greenhouse. The delay in Starred is based on the rejection date in Greenhouse, not based on when your rejection email is sent from Greenhouse.

Please note: switching between Send Invitation or Schedule Invitation after having completed all next steps will remove all other fields in this Action Step. This means that all previously filled out custom fields, selected survey, etc. will be lost.

Choose Survey and Invitation Templates

In the step Starred Survey Template you need to choose the survey you would like to send to your respondents.

In the next step Email Invite Template, you can select the email template you want to use for the workflow. Here you can read how to compose your invitation text or choose one of our invitation templates.

Sender settings

Under Sender Settings you can choose the sender of the surveys.

You can choose between:

  • the email address of one of your colleagues (you can add this email address as a user to your Starred account via this link)
  • an alias sender address
  • mapping the sender to a property from Greenhouse, such as recruiter. This means that for each candidate Starred is able to display the recruiter that worked with them as the sender of the survey.

Please note: the difference between choosing an existing user in the account or an "alias" sender address is that the "colleague's" address needs to be an active user in Starred, so it also needs to have an actual inbox, while the sender address is an alias email address that you can create in your Settings and that doesn't actually exist. You can read up more on this feature here. Please note: also in case of mapping the sender to a property from SmartRecruiters (option 3, the Sender still needs to be an active user in Starred. You'll also need to make sure that all your users set up their account properly with photos and full names.

Recipient settings

Under Recipient Settings you can select the recipient information. Candidate First Name, Candidate Last Name and Candidate Email (Personal). For Candidate Email you have 4 options: Candidate Email (Personal), Candidate Email (Work), Candidate Email (Other) or Candidate Email (Last Updated).

Please note: Using the Candidate Email (Last Updated) ensures you are using the same email address that you use to communicate with the candidate.

Custom fields

In Custom fields you can add fields to filter the responses in your Dashboard. On the right side column, you can select a field from your Greenhouse environment and on the left you can specify the name of this custom field. The specified name will be used in the Starred platform. (Note: See Tips & Tricks below on tips on naming your custom fields.)

Please note: the order you add fields to the workflows also matches the order in which the fields are displayed in CSV exports when you download your responses.

Please note: if you wish to add a department field, you have a few options:

  • Pulling the tiered department, which means we will display both the parent and (child)departments into one string (i.e. R&D>product>design)
  • Pulling the root department, which is the parent department
  • Pulling the child department, simply called Department Name in the dropdown menu

Custom fields on job and candidate level in Greenhouse
Besides the standard custom fields, we also offer the possibility to pull custom fields on job and candidate level from your Greenhouse environment. To search for these, type in 'custom' in the search bar to retrieve a list of your custom fields that are available.
Note: we can pull all field types on job and candidate level except the following: 'Multi select', 'Currency range' and 'Number range'.
Note: there is a limitation of 100 custom job and/or candidate fields we can pull from your Greenhouse environment.

Email reminder

At Email reminder you can set a reminder. If the recipient doesn’t respond to the feedback survey, we will send a friendly reminder after the initial invitation. You can choose after how many days from the initial invitation you want the reminder to be sent out: between 1 and 14 days.

⭐ Tips & Tricks

  • Adding custom fields to received responses can be done but is extremely time consuming and should only be reserved for specific cases, as it cannot be done in bulk. For this reason, we recommend to add all custom fields before you enable your workflow. Removing custom fields from the workflow is possible at any time.
  • Fields are case sensitive
  • Type custom field names without spaces (e.g JobName)
  • When using the same Custom fields in multiple workflows, the notations (capital sensitive!) need to be the exact same.
    Workflow A: JobName =
    Workflow B: Jobname = this is wrong! Use: JobName
  • By default, Starred already adds two custom fields to your responses:
  1. TimetoProcess: relates to the number of days a candidate has been in the hiring process: from
    application date to hire/rejected date
  2. source: relates to the hiring source

Learn More

How to test your Greenhouse workflow? Or learn more about custom fields?