How do I change/edit my invitation email?
To make changes to your invitation email templates, you must head to the Invitation composer for the survey.
We have a Support Page article where we explain how to open the Invitation composer, find it here.
After making the necessary changes, do not forget to hit the floppy disk icon to save them!
Please note:
- if you're not just looking to edit a template but would like to create a new one from scratch, you can also do that. In this case, if you're sending out your surveys automatically via an integration, there's an extra step to take: when creating the new template you need to select it in the workflows at the Action step for Starred to utilize it. Otherwise, Starred will keep sending out the "old" one that is selected in the workflows. Check out the guide for your chosen ATS to learn more about this.
- if you're sending out your surveys automatically via an integration, you can ignore the "from", "schedule" and "send reminder" settings in the Invitation Composer. These are defined at the last Action step of your workflow.
Updated almost 2 years ago