I am uploading an image for my logo, but it's not working
Starred supports different sizes based on the section where you're trying to upload the image. See the list to find the correct size and pixels.
Profile Picture
When completing your profile, you can upload a profile picture. We recommend you use a picture that's at least 150 by 150 pixels and ideally has a square shape.
Company Profile Picture
The same goes for uploading your company picture. We recommend using a picture that's at least 150 by 150 pixels.
Sender Addresses
When configuring your sender address, we recommend uploading a profile picture. The picture should be at least 150 x 150 pixels.
If you want this picture to be the same as your company logo, make sure that the one you upload for your sender address is square-shaped, as Starred will not resize it like it does for your company profile picture.
Survey Background Style
You can upload a background image at Styles at Company settings if you want to personalize your account. The optimal aspect ratio of the image for the style is 16:9. Uploading a 1600 by 900 resolution background is usually a safe choice. You can also go bigger with the resolution as long as it's still 16:9 aspect ratio and as long as the file is not bigger than 2MB.
Updated over 1 year ago