In the Privacy section of your settings, you can:
- set your own privacy statement visible for your respondents. Otherwise, the default one shown will be Starred's.
- decide for how long you want to keep your respondents' personal data by setting a Data Retention Period.
- manually delete respondent's data if they asked you to do so.
Privacy statement
We recommend adding your organization's own privacy statement so respondents will understand the purpose of the survey and how their personal data is processed.

The privacy statement is displayed on the bottom of feedback survey, when a respondent opens the survey. By default, we link Starred's Privacy Statement:

Data retention
By setting a Data Retention Period, you can limit the storage time of personal data.
We recommend aligning the data retention period with the period stipulated in your privacy statement.

We will automatically anonymize personal data after the retention period has passed. This means that we will remove the first name, last name, and email address from the feedback you've received.
The ratings and comments will still be available, together with the total number of responses.
Data RetentionThe anonymization process cannot be reversed. The data cannot be restored. Use with care!
Custom fieldsYou can choose to keep custom fields associated with responses.
If you choose to keep custom fields, you'll still be able to filter on dashboards and analyze old feedback.
If you decide to keep the custom fields, then please ensure you are not storing any personally identifiable information (PII) such as identification number, phone numbers, and/or location data. It is your own responsibility to ensure your custom properties do not contain personally identifiable information if you choose to keep them stored on the Starred platform.
Manually delete respondent data (GDPR)
To comply with privacy guidelines, respondents (Data Subjects) have the right to be forgotten.
This option will delete all of the respondents' individual data. This means that the first name, last name, email, all comments, all ratings, all associated custom fields will be deleted. This will affect the total number of responses in your dashboard.

Delete Respondent
The deleted data cannot be restored. The data is gone forever. Use with care!
Updated 10 months ago