Creating a survey
To create a new survey, navigate to your Survey Overview by clicking on Survey overview in the navigation bar.
Once you're in your Survey Overview, click on Create new survey on the top right corner.

Here you can choose between two options:
Using one of Starred's survey templates: in our template gallery, you'll find surveys linked to different journey types (Hired, Rejected, Employee Engagement, etc.). Depending on your Starred agreement, the template gallery shows you the available journey types. When you select a certain survey, you can preview the survey and add it directly to your account. You'll still be able to edit the survey to your liking.
Creating a survey: if you click on Create from scratch, a pop-up will appear where you can enter the title of your survey, select the language and the journey type you would like to link your survey to. You'll now be able to add questions to your survey from scratch.
Whether you're choosing to start from scratch or to edit an existing template, the information below will be very useful to you.
Header text
To personalize the header, you can click on it to change the default text.
🌟 You can make the header more personal by adding the candidate's first name. To do that, add %firstName to the text.

Survey question types
Here we'll give you an overview of the different question types available.
Net Promoter Score
This type of question measures the Net Promoter Score.
As much as it is possible to amend the text in the question, the NPS question is meant to be answered with a score that goes from 0 to 10, from very unlikely to unlikely. With NPS it's also not possible to disconnect the follow-up question.
Want to know more about NPS and how this score is calculated? Then click here.
Star rating
A star rating grid consists of four parts:
- the title of the grid
- the introduction to the subject or start of a statement
- the definition of the rating aspect
- the hover box with additional information on the rating aspect.
They have the option to give a star rating (from 0 stars, to half a star all the way to five full stars) but they can also choose to click on n/a in case the question did not apply to them.
Star ratings questions count toward the average ratings that Starred displays in your dashboards. The 5-star system is converted into a 0 to 10 scale and averaged together with the ratings received in your Grades questions (see next paragraph).
Please note:
- responses to multiple choice questions and Yes/No questions do not count towards your average rating.
- with Star rating questions, respondents can choose to also give half a star, two stars and half etc. Starred calculates the averages for these ratings in your dashboards to align them with a scale of 1-10 (similar to the Grades question type described next), so one full star corresponds to a rating of 2, two stars and a half correspond to a rating of 3, etc.
You can also ask the respondent for a scale rating! This scale is from 1 to 10 and your respondent is able to rate you on certain aspects. Of course they can also choose to click on n/a in case a particular aspect does not apply to their situation.
Together with Star rating questions, grades questions count toward the average ratings that Starred displays in your dashboards.
CES and CES 2.0
The CES question measures the Customer Effort Score, it focuses on the question: How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?. The Customer Effort Score is a good indicator for repeated purchases. By selecting one of the Starred emoticons, the customer can easily specify how much effort it took.
The CES 2.0 is the upgraded version of the initial Customer Effort Score. This question type also measures the effort a customer personally has to put forth. The question is however positively formulated and is based on a 7-point scale.
Yes/No question
Like the Starred Stars grid, you can make a grid with questions that can only be answered with yes or no. If a respondent wants to provide you with additional feedback, they can click on the icon behind the question. They can also choose to click on n/a and not give an answer to one of the questions if it doesn't apply to their situation.
Multiple Choice question
A multiple-choice question is a type of question that offers the possibility to choose an answer from a list. Like the other types of question blocks, with the multiple choice block you can add up to 5 answer fields.
- the title of the grid
- the question (to be added in the block description)
- the multiple answers respondents can choose from
- the mouse-over with additional information on the rating of each answer.
You can choose the number of answer choices you want to list (a minimum of 1 and maximum of 5 answer choices.) The default is 1. If you want to add an answer choice, you can do so by clicking on ‘Add question'. You also have the possibility to allow respondents to provide more than 1 answer. You can do so by clicking on the dropdown menu in the lower right corner of your multiple-choice question block.
Open-ended question
Open-ended questions give the respondent the opportunity to give a comprehensive answer. You can choose to add one or two open-ended questions in one block. The open-ended question has a maximum of 200-250 characters.
Adding questions to a survey
Good to know: Within Starred, surveys are composed of questions blocks, which then contain survey questions.
🌟 A question block is a group of questions that have the same format, meaning they are all from the same type (see below)
🌟 Each survey can feature up to 6 question blocks.
🌟 Depending on the question type you choose you may add between 1 and 5 questions to each block.
To add questions to your survey, you can click Add Block. You'll be prompted to choose the question type.
Please note: You can add the question blocks one by one or you can choose to import an already existing block from another survey by clicking on Import from existing survey on the bottom left corner.

Creating a question block
🌟 Each question block needs to have a block title and a block description. The block title allows a max. of 45-50 characters, while the block description allows a max. of 200-250 characters.

When you've added a question block with its title and description, you can now build up the block bit by bit.
You can choose from the 7 different types of questions described above.
- Star Rating
- Net Promoter Score
- Customer Effort Score (Question type)
- CES 2 (Statement type)
- Yes/No question
- Grades
- Multiple choice
- Open questions
Depending on the question type, you can add up to five questions per block: for each question, you must add a title and description.

Question title: this is where you indicate the theme of the actual question. The question title can be max. of 50-75 characters long.
Question description: in the description you can elaborate a bit more on the actual question. To allow you to be as specific as possible, the question description can go up to 200-250 characters.
If you have any questions or if you need any help with setting up your survey questions, feel free to reach out to our Support Team.
Customizing a survey
You can customize your surveys by adding custom fields to your question blocks. Custom fields are properties that can be added to your workflows or invitation files.
As an example: if you're pulling the job name from your ATS, you could add it to your survey questions or survey header to make the survey even more personal.
To do that:
- open your question block and find the question
- add an @ symbol followed by the custom field name. Make sure to use the correct spelling of the custom field!
Survey languages
You can translate your surveys in other languages.
Click on the current default language and select Language Settings.
Select the language(s) you'd like to add and click on 'Save'.
For more information on creating multiple survey languages click here.
Please note: Survey questions will not automatically be translated!
Survey style
First, ensure that the background style you'd like to add has been added to your account in your Company Settings.
When the background style has been added there, you are able to select the style from the dropdown menu and click on Save Changes in the bottom right corner.
Advanced survey settings
You can access the advanced settings for your survey by clicking on the button on the top right corner of the screen:

This is where you can customize survey anonymity, set a specific Cooling Down Period for your survey and so on. We describe these settings in a separate article here.
Updated 7 months ago