Recruiter performance dashboard

This dashboard will allow you to have a quick and easily accessible view of your Recruiter Performance.


Please note:

We only offer the Recruiter Performance tab when you have 'Recruiter' as a custom field added your candidate responses and you have reserved the Recruiter field in your settings.

This dashboard does not pull data from the following surveys:

  • Career Page survey
  • "Candidate applied", also known as "Confirmation Email" survey.
  • Hiring Manager survey
  • Other internal surveys such as Internal Partnership surveys
  • Quality of Hire or Onboarding surveys

Overall number of responses, average rating and NPS score

On top of the page you'll find:

  • Total responses
  • Average rating (based on your star and grades questions)
  • NPS Score

Recruiter invitations and response rate

Just below, you will then find the same type of data, but this time it will be divided by recruiter. This way you can easily compare the performance of your company’s recruiters.

By clicking on a recruiter name, you can also dive deeper into this recruiter's results. More about this below.

Recruiter responses, average rating and NPS score

Here you'll find a breakdown of responses, average rating and NPS score by recruiter, to easily compare.

Recruiter heatmap

The chart will offer ratings based on the subjects of your questions. Different colors will help you understand your recruiter performance at a quick glance.

Recruiter deepdive

To dive even deeper into your insights you can drill down into each recruiter specifically by clicking on the three dots next to each recruiter's name and selecting “Recruiter Deepdive”.

The dashboard that will open will show you the data related to that recruiter in comparison with the overall recruiter results.

It could look something like this, where the blue color represents your Recruiter and the gray represents all other recruiter grouped together:


Please note:

In the Deepdive section there will be a comments box where all comments left by your respondents are displayed.
If the user role does not have the access right "Can view comments", then instead of the actual comment the user will see a message informing them that comments are not visible to them based on their permissions.

Recruiter response details dashboard

You can get an overview of the custom fields linked to each response by clicking on the three dots next to each recruiter's name and selecting “Response Details Dashboard”.

We go more in depth about this topic here.