Survey overview

In the Survey overview, you can find an overview of all surveys you have created in your account and manage them.

Access your Survey overview by clicking on 'Surveys' from your navigation bar at the left of the screen.


This is where you'll also find information about your response rate, number of invitations sent and responses received.


All surveys are divided based on the touchpoint in the candidate journey:


If you haven't added a survey yet for a specific touchpoint, the menu will look like this:

Creating surveys

You can click on 'Create first survey' to add a new survey for that specific touchpoint. Please note that from here you'll only be able to create a survey from scratch. If you rather use one of Starred's templates, check out our template gallery and add your desired survey to your account.

You can collapse and expand each section for an easier navigation by clicking on the > button on the left side:

Survey menu

A menu is available for each survey with several actions you can perform. To learn more about the specific actions, head over to our dedicated article.


Archive and restore surveys

From the survey overview, you can also access your survey archive. This is where all your archived surveys go to sleep.

Archived surveys can be restored as well as permanently deleted. If you want to learn how to archive a survey, you can read the dedicated paragraph in this article.

Learn More

Learn what actions you can take from your survey overview: