Individual responses

Learn how to view and export responses and how to contact your respondents

Besides being able to view overall survey results and ratings, you can also look at individual responses.

Please note:

  • Starred HR accounts, also known as Employee Engagement accounts, do not have the option to see individual responses.
  • Only users with the access right "Can see individual responses" have access to this part of the dashboard. If you want to learn more about access rights in Starred, you can read our dedicated article.

Responses overview

To access the responses overview, you can select Responses from the options on the left side.


Here you'll see a list of all the responses received along with the following information:

  • Respondent name
  • Survey sent: the date when the invitation was sent
  • Answer given: the date when the response was received

From there, you can open each individual response, view the response details and act on the response.

Response details

If you have added custom fields to your respondents, for example by adding them to the .csv file you used for your invitation or by including them in your workflows in Starred Connect, they'll also be displayed in the respondent details.

Besides viewing the details and the custom fields, from here you can also contact the respondent, delete the response or copy the link of the response to share it with someone else.


Exporting responses

If you want to export your responses, you can do so by clicking on the three dots on the top right corner of the screen and select Export to CSV:


You will receive a CSV file in your email inbox, which you can open with Excel or Google Sheets.

In case the CSV file looks like this when you open it, we have a full guide on how to convert the CSV file into a more readable view.


Contacting the respondent

We really recommend reaching out to respondents when they have reported a bad experience with your organization. You can do it by clicking on Contact the respondent, typing your message in the box that pops up:


You can also send messages to anonymous respondents. The respondent remains anonymous at the moment they receive your message.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of contacting your respondents, we have a full article about it. Find it here.

Share link to the response

If you want to share the response with another Starred user, you can click on the Share link to this response button. The link will be automatically copied to your clipboard and you will be informed with a pop up notification on the top right corner of the screen:


Delete the response

If you wish to delete a response, you have the option to do it from here by clicking on Delete the response. No worries, Starred will ask you to confirm before the response is actually deleted!

Please note:

  • The names of the respondents will only be displayed if the survey was not anonymous. If you offer an "opt in/opt out" option, it is normal then that some responses will have a name and some won't.
  • If you contact your respondent and they reply to the message, you will see their email address and they no longer remain anonymous. We therefore advise you to explain this in the initial message sent to your respondent.
  • Only users with the access right "Can delete Response" can delete responses

Learn More

From your individual responses section, you can contact your respondents or delete individual responses. Check our dedicated articles: